How to create clickable links for email, telephone, SMS or WhatsApp

1 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

You can create clickable links within the text body of a Topic in your guidebook that will open a mobile device’s email, phone, messaging app or WhatsApp so guests can contact you easily.

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To add a clickable link, start by creating a link in the normal way, by highlighting the text to become the link and then clicking the little chain link icon on the text box tool bar.


Then, in the url box enter the following, where “xxx…” is replaced by the email address or phone number, don’t forget the international dialling code if your guests may be from overseas!

To prompt the device phone app use


To prompt the device SMS messaging app use


To prompt the device email app use



To prompt WhatsApp use the following, but you must lose any leading zeros or the plus symbol from the number (but don’t forget the international dialing code!)…


** If you have any trouble creating clickable links then please reach out using the support contact form**

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