How to remove a photo or video from a topic

1 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

If you need to remove a photo or video currently displaying as the main image in a topic, you first need to know where the photo has been added. For single guide accounts this will always be in Content Hub. For multiple guide accounts it could be in Content Hub (if used for all guides) or in the Guide Content sub-tab of the Guide page (if used for a specific guide). The instructions for both are described below. If you want to remove a photo from within the text body then simply delete it from the text box using your delete key, it’s just the same as deleting some text.

Removing from Content Hub

  1. Locate the topic in Content Hub.
  2. Click the edit pencil next to the topic title to open the Edit Topic screen.
  3. Scroll down to the media section (the current photo should be displaying here) and use the red “Remove” button.
  4. Click Save.

Removing from a Guide Content tab

  1. Locate the topic in the Guide Content sub-tab of the Guide page (not Content Hub).
  2. Click the 3 dots menu for that topic and use the “Delete Custom Media” option (if the topic doesn’t have a “Delete Custom Media” option then the photo must be on Content Hub).

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