Converting from Legacy Messages to Memo Templates

If you previously used Touch Stay’s legacy messaging system (in operation before 11th May 2022, allowing 1 primary message and up to 2 reminders), then we’ve copied all your existing message templates into Memo. This means you can continue inviting guests as before and the same messages will be sent out.

However, Memo has a few handy features that we think you’ll find helpful. For a start, you’re no longer limited to just 3 messages per invitation. You can start adding as many new message templates as you need! Memo also comes with pre-filled message templates that you can add to your account and then customise for your business.

Memo also includes the ability to add field codes to your messages. Field codes allow you to use the same message template across all your guides, with variable information added automatically when the message is sent out. Data such as:

  • guest name
  • guide name
  • stay dates
  • lock codes

can now be added using field codes. See this article for more details about using field codes.

Accounts with a Single Guide

If you have a single guide in your account then you can start editing your templates or adding new ones right away.

  1. Head over to the Memo page and you’ll find all the templates that were copied over in the Templates tab.
  2. Use the 3 dots menu to the right of each template to view, edit, or delete that template.
  3. You can add new messages by using the “Add Email Template” and “Add Template” buttons. See this article for more details about adding new templates.

Accounts with Multiple Guides

If your account has multiple guides, we created a version of each message for each guide when copying your templates over. For example, if your account has three guides, and you had previously set up the full three messages for each guide, you’ll now see nine message templates in your Memo page.

This was done to preserve any variations between messages attached to different guides, since the legacy system saved message content at the guide level. Each of these Memo templates will already include sending criteria which applies each message only to the guide it was copied from.

With Memo you now have an opportunity to consolidate your messaging and streamline the process. If you would like any help with this, then please contact support to arrange a web meeting with one of the team and they will walk you through the process.

If you’d prefer to DIY then the recommended steps are as follows:

1. Start by archiving all your old messages.

Select the 3 dots menu at the top right of the Templates table on the Memo page. You’ll find an option to “Archive All Legacy”.

2. Next, copy an example template of any message you would like to retain.

To do this, change the table filter to show “Archived” and find a message that will serve as the basis for one of your new templates. E.g. if you want to create a template for a post-booking message, find one of your previous post-booking messages.

Use the 3 dots menu and select “Copy”. Rename the template and amend or remove the criteria as appropriate. If you’re consolidating your messages so that all your guides use the same template, then simply set the criteria to “Always Send”.

3. Check the message content for anything referencing a specific guide and replace with field codes instead.

For example, if the template has the guide name in the content then delete that and replace with the field code {{guide_name}}. Using field codes automatically replaces the data when the message is sent out. See this article for more details on field codes. When you’re ready, click “Submit” and be sure to choose “New Only” in the confirmation window (this prevents the message going out again to your existing guests).

4. Repeat steps 2-3 for any other legacy messages that you wish to keep.

E.g. if you’ve just consolidated a post-booking message, and you want to do the same for two other reminder messages that you had previously set up, simply follow the same steps for each of those templates. You’ll end up with the same communication flow you already had, but your Memo page will look a whole lot tidier.

5. You can now add any new message templates that you want to include in your guest notification journey.

You’re no longer limited to just 3 messages, and can add messages before or after the departure date too. See this article for more info on creating brand new message templates.

6. Finally, create some test invitations to check your message schedules are being created as expected.

Click on the Invitations tab of the Memo page and use the “” button. Complete the form as an example guest (we’d suggest using your own contact details) and click “Next”. The following screen will show the messages that will be scheduled based on your active templates. If any messages are missing then check the criteria section of the message template. You can delete your test invitations from the Invitations table – simply use the 3 dots menu and select “Delete”.

Don’t forget you can always book a web session with one of the Touch Stay team if you would like some help or advice on converting your legacy message templates, just reach out through the support form in your account. 

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