How to create Content Collection email prompts

The Content Collection feature of Touch Stay is an advanced feature to support property managers obtain information about the homes they manage, directly from the property owners. If you would like to use this feature in your account, then please reach out to support, who will activate it for you (free of charge).

This article explains how to create email prompts as part of the Content Collection tool.

Creating new email Prompts

Prompts are email templates that you can use to share the form link with your owners directly from Touch Stay. They are optional, as you could alternatively download the form links and send them via a separate system, such as your CRM.

To create new Templates, head to the Content Collection page from the main side menu and the Prompts tab. In the "+ Add prompt" button dropdown, you’ll find suggested templates, which come pre-filled with customisable content. Either select one of these, or choose “Custom prompt” from the bottom of the list. A form will then appear for you to complete with the details of your email prompt template, starting with the form name - this name is for your internal use only, it won't show on the form to your owners.

Email from name

This is the name that your email will appear to come from, this should be your business name, ideally use the exact same name you would use on other communications with your owners. You can also set the reply-to email address by placing the email in angle brackets after the name, for example:

Beach Rentals <>

This email would appear to come from: Beach Rentals

And when the user hits reply, it would go to:

Email message subject

The subject line of your email, ideally making it clear that the recipient needs to take some action.

Email message body

The main body of the email. Be sure to explain what needs to be done and why. Always include the field code {{content_collection_form_link}} if you want the prompt to have a link to the owner's form.

Updating Owner Details

The details of the owner, such as their name and email address, is held on the guide record. This can be updated from the Guide Details tab for each guide in the Owner Details section.

You can also add or update the owner details when creating a new single form. See this article for more detail about creating forms.

If you have many guides and owners, then we can help upload the owner details in bulk for you, please reach out to support if you need help doing that.

Using Prompts

Prompts can be used when creating forms to send the link to the owner at that time, but you can also use prompts to ask your owners for more detailed answers or to remind them to complete the form. See this article for more detail about creating prompts.

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