Visibility Rules explained

When you have multiple guides in a template, there will be some information you want to show on all of your guides and some information that you only want to show on some of them. Visibility Rules can help with this as they determine whether a topic will be hidden or shown at guide level.

Table of contents:


Video: How to use visibility rules for your second guide

This video explains how to use visibility rules when adding a second guide but also gives a good overview of how visibility rules work, no matter how many guides you have

How to use visibility rules

Visibility rules are adjusted at the individual guide level. Go to Guides, click on the guide name, choose Guide content then, Visibility.

There are 3 visibility rule options:

  • 'Follow tag' is the default and shows the topic in this guide as a tag has been applied
  • 'Don't follow tag - always show topic' ignores the tag and always shows the topic on this guide
  • 'Don't follow tag - never show topic' ignores the tag and will not show the topic on this guide 

Follow tag


Don't follow tag - always show topic


Don't follow tag - never show topic


Tip: You can hover over each icon for a tool tip on what it does.

Note that if you want to set a topic to Always show then you will need to use the 'Show Hidden Content' check box at the top left of the Guide Content tab first. This will reveal any topics not currently visible in this guide and then you can set the chosen topic to Always show.

Examples of how you can use visibility rules

1. Stop showing an existing topic on a guide without deleting it from Content Hub

Example: Let's say you have a welcome topic in your original guide but you do not want to show it on your new guide. You want to remove this topic from your new guide without deleting the information for your original guide. 

1 . Go Guides, click on the name of the guide your want to change and select Guide content. 

2 . Scroll down to the topic you want to stop showing in this guide and click the box with the strike through eye icon. Now this topic is no longer visible only in this guide.

(Remember: As soon as you click the 'Never show topic' option the topic will disappear from your view. To change this tick the 'Show hidden content' box at the top of the page)

Start showing a specific topic on a guide

2 .Example: Let's say you have a BBQ at the property featured in your new guide but no BBQ at any of your other properties, you want to show the BBQ topic only on this guide and not add it to other guides.

1 . Create the BBQ topic under your chosen category and make sure no tags are applied.

2 . Go Guides, click on the name of the guide your want to change and select Guide content.

3 . Scroll down to the topic you want to start showing in this guide and click the box with the open eye icon. Now this topic is visible but only in this guide, no others.

(Remember, make sure the 'Show Hidden Content' box is ticked at the top of the page or you won't be able to change the visibility rules for this topic).

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