Canva Templates for QR Code Displays

1 min. readlast update: 06.14.2024

Placing framed QR codes throughout your home make it much easier to get your guidebook into the hands of your guests.

Drop your guidebook QR code into one of our templates (or create your own), to help guests find the info they need.


A few tips and ideas to help guests discover more of your guidebook:

  • Put a framed QR code by the front door or entrance way so it's the first thing guests see when they arrive
  • Place QR codes in multiple places around the house so guests have more chance to find them as they explore your home
  • Always getting questions about how to use the coffee machine? Create a QR code linking to a section of your guidebook that explains how the coffee machine works and place a framed QR code next to the coffe machine


QR code templates:

QR code template for a 5×7inch frame


QR code information sheet template 8.5x11 inch



QR code 'how to' instructions template




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