How to add a new guide

2 min. readlast update: 03.14.2024

Quick note before you read on: If you prefer written instructions, as opposed to the videos below, this article might be better: Best Practices for Adding Your Second Guide


How to add a new guide (if you have 2 to 5 guides)

For those of you who have 2 to 5 guides, watch the video below or read on to learn how to add a new guide to your Touch Stay account:


How to add a new guide (if you have more than 5 guides)

For those of you who have more than 5 guides, this video is for you:


Add a guide

1 . To add a new guide to your account, go to the All Guides page and click the '+ Add Guide' button on the top righthand side.

Give your new guide a name and address and click Next:


2 . Next, upload a guide cover photo and choose the Tag or Tags you want to apply to this guide.  

Use the All Guides Tag to add all of your existing guide info to your new guide or select and other Tag you have already created. Learn more about Tags here

Once you have selected your Tags, Click Create Guide.


And that's it! Your new guide will now show alongside your other guides on the All Guides page. You can now add new content or adjust existing content for your new guide.

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