How to stop sending messages scheduled in the past

1 min. readlast update: 10.17.2023

For guests that book last-minute you still want to make sure they receive important information about their stay without being bombarded by a communication flow built for guests who booked months in advance. Memo let's you do this with an option to only send messages schedule after the guest booking date, and not those scheduled in the past.


Sounds obvious, we know, but the earlier version of Memo didn't account for last minute bookings. So now, instead of Memo sending all of your pre-arrival messages to guests (irrespective of the time period between time of booking and arrival), they'll only receive messages designed to send within that time period.

How to NOT send messages scheduled in the past

To ensure guests do not receive messages scheduled in the past, click the don't send this message if the scheduled send date/time will be in the past box at the bottom of your SMS message or email template.


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