User management explained

2 min. readlast update: 04.22.2024

If you need other people to have access to your Touch Stay account then you can add them as additional users. Each user can be a given a role which best suits what they need access to, with some roles having restricted actions. For more detail on each role see this article.

Users are added and managed from the "Users" tab accessed from the settings wheel at the top right.



How to add new users

Use the "Add New User" button to create a new user, you just need to enter their email address and choose the role. They will then receive an email with a link to complete their registration and once done, they will have access to your account through their own login.

How to remove users

Users can be removed from your account by using the "Delete" option found in the 3 dots menu for that user. Once deleted, their access will be revoked immediately and they will no longer be able to access your account.

How to update the role of a user

Users can have their roles changed by using the "View/Edit" option found in the 3 dots menu for each user in the User Management table. The user may need to refresh their screen (use Ctrl+R on Windows or Cmd+R on Mac) after having their role changed to see any new options available to them.

How to reactivate a user

Deleted or cancelled users can be reactivated by sending them a new invitation link. This is done by using the "Resend Invite" option found in the 3 dots menu for any user. The user will receive a link to confirm their access and once accepted they will regain access to your account through their own login.

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