Best practice for adding your second guide

When adding your second guide it is important to consider whether the new guide will use the same content as your existing guide OR need brand new content. Depending on what you need there are different best practices to follow to make the set-up easy for your second guide and beyond.

Article content:


Video: How to add a new guide

If you prefer video instructions, as opposed to the written article below, then head here: How to add a new guide. (For folks who prefer written instructions, everything in the video is covered in this article, so just keep reading!)

Understanding Content Hub when adding a new guide

Content Hub is where you create, manage and update content for all of the guides attached to each template. So whether you have one guide or multiple per template, all of the content for those guides is managed in Content Hub.

In Content Hub you can add new Categories, Subcategories and Topics and assign each to a specific guide or to multiple guides. You can easily share the same content across multiple guides and add custom, property specific information to others, meaning you never need to write the same thing twice.

When you add a second guide to your account, it is important to understand that all of the Master Content you created in Content Hub for your first guide will be automatically mapped over to the second guide (see the note on All Guides below).

This is why we created tags and customisations. So you can easily set which content is relevant for all your guides and which content is relevant to specific guides only. 

There are different ways to do this depending what your guidebooks are for. For example, in a vacation rental scenario: 

  • you could have multiple properties in the same building or in the same location that will share much of the same content as your first guide but will have some unique details such as WiFi password or appliance instructions
  • you could have properties that have similar basic information but are in different locations and therefore need a different Local Area Guide
  • or… you could be adding an additional guidebook that has nothing at all to do with the first, in which case you’ll need to create new categories, subcategories and topics, and use tags to determine which of these appear in which of your guidebooks 

Whatever you want to do, we'll show you the easiest way to make it happen.

Content Hub features used to create your second guide

There are two main features you can use to manage and share content easily across multiple guides:

  • Tags: tags help you share Topic content easily across multiple guides so you don’t have to write it twice. You can attach a tag to a topic to share content with all your guides or to share property specific topic content to a chosen group of guides in Content Hub
  • Customisations: customisations allow you to add guide specific content in Content Hub without overriding the content you want to share across multiple guides

How to add your second guide

1 . Follow the steps to add your new guide here:

2 . Once you have created your new guide, make sure you apply the All Guides tag (or any other tag you may choose to create) to share common topic information from your first guide to your new guide. (Remember, tags can only be applied to a topic, not a category or subcategory)

This will copy all of your Master Content in Content Hub over to this new guide so you do not have to create it again. Now you can decide which sections of the master content you want to keep in this new guide, and which you don’t want to show in this new guide. 

What is the All Guides tag? 


This tag is automatically created when you add your second guide and all of the content is automatically linked to your second guide. 

If you want your second guidebook to contain completely different content you can remove the All Guides tag. You'll then need to create new categories, subcategories and topics for the second guidebook AND you'll need to apply a tag to each of those topics so that this content ONLY appears in the second guidebook.

How to use tags

Use a tag to share property specific information with your second guide and separate it from your master content in Content Hub

For this explanation, we will use the example of the Local Area Guide:

1 . Create a new tag for the guide you have just created. To do this, go to Content Hub, click the dropdown arrow next to the tags menu and click New Tag.

2 . Give your tag a name, choose a colour and select the guides you want to apply it to. Click Create tag.

3 . Now you have your new tag, scroll down to the Local Area Guide category and create the topic you want to add to your new guide. Here we have the Take a Bike Topic in the Getting Around Subcategory. You will notice this topic has no tags applied. You can now add the tag you just created to guide. To do this, click on the three dots to the left hand side of the topic and click Edit topic.

4 . Select your new tag and click Save.

The new tag is now applied and the topic will now appear in your new guide. As you add more guides you can create a tag for each location and group together location relevant content using tags.

Now we will look at how to adapt a topic that needs to be shared across multiple guides but needs to have unique content that is specific to each property. We do this with customisations. 

How to use customisations

Use a customisation to create a custom topic just for this guide

We will use the example of changing the WiFi password to it is unique just for your second guide 

1 . Go to Content Hub and scroll down to the WiFi/Internet Details category. Click the 3 dots on the right and choose the Edit Topic option.

2 . Scroll down to the bottom of the topic and click the Add custom text button. Then click on the guide that you want to add the customisation to.

3 . Edit the Topic information with the wifi details that are correct just for this property and click Save & Go Back, to go back to Content Hub. Click Save if you want to go to the Guide Content page for the guide you just added a customisation to. Either is fine.

4 . With either option you will get a pop-up box checking if you are sure you want to create a customisation. Click Save the customisation and close the pop-up.

You have now changed the WiFi details just for this property without changing it for any others. Amazing! You can now see your customisation in Content Hub. Come back here and click on the Custom guide button to make any more changes if you need to.

Now you should have everything you need to add your second guide and use Content Hub to easily share content between guides and create custom content where information needs to be different.

If you get stuck, please reach out to our team and we will be right in touch to help:   

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