Guide Book Essentials

3 min. readlast update: 04.28.2024

⏲ Short on time but want to be sure you’re not missing anything crucial from your guide? Run through this checklist of top 10 essentials. If you really want to get going speedily, check out these 4 quick steps to get your guide started.

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1. How to contact you 📧

Head to the Account tab and then the Branding page to update the contact details that will be shown on your guide as well as your business logos, (or a photo of yourself!), colours and fonts.



2. Add a cover photo   

Click on your guide name in the Guides list page to navigate to the Guide Details page. Here you can upload your guidebook cover photo - your properties hero shot - to the Guide Details page under the Guides tab. See this article for further details.



3. How to find your place 🏠

Your map tab will show your property location and have a “Get directions” link. Check your Preview to be sure your location map is correct. Here’s how to update if it’s not.

4. How to access your place 🔑

Be sure to add or update the Topics you need to explain to your guests what they need to do for a stress free arrival. See the Quick Start video from 01:22 for a full explanation of adding and editing content in Content Hub.

5. How to connect to the WiFi 📶

Once again, simply update the WiFi - Internet Details Topic in the WiFi / Internet Details Category in the Content Hub tab with your WiFi network ID and password. 



6. Any essential appliance instructions 📺

If there any appliances such as in the kitchen or a hot tub that need some explanation for their safe use, then add those details as a Topic in the relevant Category section in the Content Hub tab.



7. Top 5 local restaurants 🥣

In the Content Hub tab, scroll down to the Your Local Area Guide Category and use the Add Topic button in the Restaurants section. Select the Google Place option and add your local hot spots.



8. Top 5 things to do 📍 

Simply use the Google Places feature in the relevant Subcategory of Your Local Area Guide Category, such as Entertainment & Activities, to show off the best things to do around your property.

9. Nearest grocery store 🛒

You’ve guessed it, the Google Places feature is the quickest way to add this! Try using the Grocery Shopping Subcategory.

10. Delete or hide topics you don’t need 🗑

The Content Hub tab has lots of Categories, and Topics with pre-filled text to help get you started but not all of it may be relevant. You can hide or delete any Category or Topic Topic by clicking on the 3 dots to the right of a Topic and clicking Delete in the dropdown menu.

To hide Categories or Topics from the view temporarily, see this article for how to do that using Tags. 

You can also change the order of any sections using the drag and drop icons on the left hand side of the Content Hub tab. See this article for a more detailed explanation. 



Are you a perfectionist?

Don’t worry about making your guide perfect for your first reservation. You can get the basics done and then edit and update all sections of your guide later to improve content overtime. This is the beauty of digital guidebook, you can instantly update content whenever you want, safe in the knowledge that your existing guests will get the latest info instantly.

Need some inspiration?

Check out our example guides page for more inspiration but remember you don’t have to create a masterpiece right from the start! Get the above essentials completed, start sharing with your guests and then you can add to your guide as you free up time answering fewer questions from your guests. 

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